As the process of building my house gets further and further to the end, it becomes less and less clear what still needs to get done. I made a chimney, some steps, and I've been playing around with COLOR! I had gotten pretty tired of all the white, hadn't you?
Here is the chimney. I still have to create a material that resembles brick more, but for the purpose of building it, the redPlaster has sufficed. I based it on a picture of a real chimney that I found online and really liked.

Next, I made the steps that will eventually go from the grass or walkway to the porch, which will be elevated a bit above the ground. And as I made these beautiful steps (aren't they?), I realized it would be the perfect time to work on materials and colors. The way I make the colored wooden materials is by looking for a picture online and then setting it as the surface image or grain image of the object. In this case, the steps.

After I had figured out the colors, I started playing around with them :)

My personal favorite.

Please ignore the floating steps. When I positioned them there, I forgot that the house was acutaly scaled to 5 times it's original size, so I miscalculated a bit...

Besides positioning the steps in the right place, my plans for tomorrow include playing around with color some more and working on getting the grass and sky in so that it starts looking more like a scene and less like a floating house.
I'm also working on another project that's going to be a present for someone close to me. I can't tell you all about right now because said person may or may not be reading my blog, so I'll leave you in suspense!
Oh! I'm also working on a third project! This one is actually going to involve animation!